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Exclusive Buyer Representation Contract

Real Estate Blog Base

Exclusive Buyer Representation Contract

Deborah Van Eendenburg


An exclusive buyer representation agreement is a two-way agreement that allows us to work together without hesitation, without any conflict of interest, and without any division of duties or loyalty. It allows me, as your exclusive agent, to represent you and look out for your best interests when you make a purchase and throughout the process.

When is it signed?

When we decide to work together at our first meeting.

How long does it last?

As long as you want – 1 day, 6 months, 1 year, etc. We can easily extend the agreement or call it quits. This contract can be cancelled at any time by either party.

Is there a financial obligation?

No, there is no financial obligation to you! I am paid by the seller’s agent. This contract ensures I am paid by the seller of the home you ultimately purchase.

The Minnesota Attorney General’s office has a Homebuyer’s Handbook that is an excellent resource. Dive in here. You can also download a copy of the Exclusive Buyer Representation Contract to familiarize yourself: